Friday, January 25, 2013

What Do You Eat?

One of the first things pioneers needed to think about before heading west was what to pack in their conestoga wagon.  Provisions for their new life would have been a primary concern, and they stocked up on a lot of plant based whole foods.  We can be sure they didn't pack twinkies or doritoes.

When people hear about our venture into a new world of food, one of the first questions people tend to ask is "what do we eat?"  The short answer is veggies, fruits, whole grains, beans, nuts, and seeds.  What this brings to mind for a lot of folks is some poor schlump gnawing on a carrot.  Not a pretty picture in my mind since I'm not fond of plain raw carrots!
I bet this cat doesn't like plain carrots anymore than I do.
A better answer to "what do we eat" might be: many of the same things we ate before - pizza, burritos, spaghetti, burgers...I just make them with plant based ingredients.  It's pretty hard to comprehend that these things can actually taste GOOD without meat and cheese, but I'd have to say our family is much more enthusiastic about our food now before our diet changes.  If you think about it ground beef and cheese do get a little repetitive.  Each dish varies so much with different veggies, beans, grains, and nut sauces.  An added bonus is the increased color on our plates.

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